We offer:


  "I learnt so much and feel very grateful for the knowledge I gleaned    on butterflies, native bees and their habitat. Your perspective has enhanced my sense of responsibility to further learn how I can provide a safe, welcoming environment to maximise a refuge for the many struggling species impacted by development, a changing environment and ignorance."
                      Jane Gilmour, Lismore, presentations June, 2021

Gardening with butterflies – and other Beneficial Be(e)ings – includes the role butterfly host plants can play in increasing the biodiversity of predators and parasites for “pests” on vegetables and other garden plants

Bring back beautiful butterflies to our backyards – about starting your garden for wildlife with butterfly host plants, which also works in urban environments

Every Butterfly was once a Caterpillar: the “high” and “low” life of Lepidopteran larvae – about butterfly biodiversity, their lifecycles and the food plants for caterpillars

Caring for Caterpillars – about the role caterpillars play in the environment and connecting directly with nature at different levels

How to Raise Butterflies with Children – a talk for adults and enthusiastic, advanced children

Gourmet Butterflies – about food plants we can share, that enhance sustainability and biodiversity, playfully addressing food security and biodiversity issues.

Inviting Nature to Dinner – about the importance of butterflies, other insects and creatures without backbones (invertebrates), the roles they play and how we can help make a difference to species diversity and conservation in our own local spaces and places. 

What’s happening with Insects, other Arthropods and why  – about what we can do to help increase biodiversity in our local spaces and places.

All 1 hour – 2 hour duration


All Things Caterpillars… and eggs, chrysalises and butterflies – a hands on workshop on finding eggs and host plants, raising caterpillars, rescuing chrysalises, and observing lifecycles (6 hours intensive)

Planting for Wildlife: butterflies, bees and other mini-beasts – a hands on workshop on the role of planting to promote biodiversity of the wildlife we love and that which we need to learn to love (6 hours intensive).

What Eats What  – about the amazing variety of life-forms on our beautiful earth – the invertebrates that keep our ecosystems healthy, and how they live their lives (6 hour intensive including Creatures of the Night, see below.)

Field activities

Insects @ Night – using lights and attracting insects to explore the amazing life-forms we share our planet with, and the role they play in maintaining healthy ecosystems (2 hours).

Guided walks in bushland and/or rehabilitated areas – nature and ecology interpretation – exploring habitat and behaviours of insects and other life-forms. (1 to 2 hours). This works well in combinations with a presentation (3 hours with a short break).


Butterfly Lives: a display of over 50 A3 signs for butterfly lifecycles and their host plants (see photo), which can include other display information and posters

Live insect display, if caterpillars and other insects are to be found at the  time of year

Butterfly and other insect host plants

Various butterfly and other invertebrate books (also for sale)

Download flyer (pdf)

For further information, prices and bookings, please email info@earthling.com.au (please copy to avoid spam).